Fixed On Bonds

Premier Miton's Bond Blog


Thames Water and the Temple of Doom

Being invested in Thames Water bonds must be just like being Indiana Jones getting chased by the torrent of water in the Temple of Doom – a rollercoaster ride.

Cocos – a unique flavour combination

High yields with investment grade security mean contingent convertibles can offer investors a unique opportunity in today’s higher interest rate...

H2Uh-Oh: The Thames Water Saga

It is difficult to open a newspaper recently and not find an article about the much-maligned situation at Thames Water....
Cocos – a unique flavour combination
High yields with investment grade security mean contingent convertibles can offer investors a unique opportunity in today’s higher interest rate environment – if you have access to expert analysis and execution.
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H2Uh-Oh: The Thames Water Saga
It is difficult to open a newspaper recently and not find an article about the much-maligned situation at Thames Water. The company are unlikely to be the next sponsors of the Oxford Rowing crew to ...
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